13 to 15 October 2016

Buenos Aires : 21st International Symposium of Plastic Surgery "XX1 Century"

Docteur Le Louarn participated as a guest teacher to the 21st International  Symposium of Plastic Surgery “XXI Century” which was hold in Buenos Aires from 13 to 15 October 2016. He made 4 presentations on:

  • Facelift : a new neck anatomy and a new conception of the neck lift : the hyo neck lift. A talk which delighted an audience avid for novelty
  • Extreme cases of abdominoplasty : high superior tension technique. This reference technique enable plastic surgeons to realize classic abdominoplasties but also the most difficult cases to operate: cases with gigantic skin excess or to the contrary damaged abdomen with very little skin excess
  • Vertical lateral bodylift a crucial option : a bodylift that associates to the standard scar of the inferior bodylift (located in the belt part of a thong), a second vertical scar on the external part of the upper thigh. This technique is proposed after massive weight loss for the more important excess of skin in the saddlebag area
  • Mid face rejuvenation fill or lift ? The audience was quite impressed since many didn’t know well the possibilities of the concentric malar lift.
